June 2021
CADprofi Euro 2020-21 Footbal Promotion με έκπτωση έως 50%
13/06/21 16:43 ειδήσεις
On the occasion of the European Football Championship we have prepared a special promotion during which all CADprofi
and CP-Symbols products (including subscriptions, updates, crossupgrades etc.) will be available for cheaper
purchases, up to 50% (which means it can be lower depending on match score, 50% is maximum).
CADprofi is an international company with headquarters located in Poland and Germany, therefore in the
"Football promotion" the discount for CADprofi software depends on the result of the last match of the Polish
or German team. For every goal scored by Polish or German teams we increase the discount by 10%,
while for each lost goal we increase the discount by 1%. We will publish the current discount amount on
our website cadprofi.com.
We will start our promotion on 14.06.2021.
Promotion discount will start depending on the Poland - Slovakia match score
If score is 4:1 (Poland:Slovakia) then we will have 41% discount on all CADprofi products.
(4 goals by Poland means 40% + 1 goal by Slovakia means 1% = 41%)
If score is 0:2 (Poland:Slovakia) then we will have 2% discount on all CADprofi products.
(0 goals by Poland means 0% + 2 goal by Slovakia means 2% = 2%)
This discount will be valid until next match (15.06.2021 Germany - France) and it will continue
for the next match and so on. Each new match resets the previous discount and sets a new one.
Promotion ends three days after the last Poland or Germany match. We hope it will be the final match :-)
Promotion counts the result of the match without possible penalty shoot-out series.
Maximum discount amount is 50%.

and CP-Symbols products (including subscriptions, updates, crossupgrades etc.) will be available for cheaper
purchases, up to 50% (which means it can be lower depending on match score, 50% is maximum).
CADprofi is an international company with headquarters located in Poland and Germany, therefore in the
"Football promotion" the discount for CADprofi software depends on the result of the last match of the Polish
or German team. For every goal scored by Polish or German teams we increase the discount by 10%,
while for each lost goal we increase the discount by 1%. We will publish the current discount amount on
our website cadprofi.com.
We will start our promotion on 14.06.2021.
Promotion discount will start depending on the Poland - Slovakia match score
If score is 4:1 (Poland:Slovakia) then we will have 41% discount on all CADprofi products.
(4 goals by Poland means 40% + 1 goal by Slovakia means 1% = 41%)
If score is 0:2 (Poland:Slovakia) then we will have 2% discount on all CADprofi products.
(0 goals by Poland means 0% + 2 goal by Slovakia means 2% = 2%)
This discount will be valid until next match (15.06.2021 Germany - France) and it will continue
for the next match and so on. Each new match resets the previous discount and sets a new one.
Promotion ends three days after the last Poland or Germany match. We hope it will be the final match :-)
Promotion counts the result of the match without possible penalty shoot-out series.
Maximum discount amount is 50%.

ZWCADCivil software webinar
10/06/21 14:23 ειδήσεις
Εγγραφή ΕΔΩ

DEMO SESSION11:00-12:00 (GMT+3) June 17, 2021 The Demo will focus on introduction to ZWCAD Civil.Attendees will get a quick view to the software capabilities starting with its design environment and smooth interaction with the drawing environment, 1-2-3 to roads design, agile approach to design changes, reports and plots, and advanced capabilities.
Έρχεται το ZWCAD 2022
10/06/21 14:18 ειδήσεις
Highlights of ZWCAD 2022
More Efficient and Enhanced 2D Functions
More Efficient and Enhanced 2D Functions
- Associative Array: Form and adjust rectangular, path, or polar arrays flexibly.
- CAD Standards: Create .dws files and check & fix nonstandard styles accordingly.
- Data Link: Link with external tables for bidirectional and synchronized data update.
- Plot Transparency: Objects, layers, etc. with transparency effects can be plotted.
- IFC Import: Import IFC files, view models, and manage entities with the IFC structure panel.
- Flatshot: Create a 2D version of 3D objects conveniently, avoiding drawing conversion.