ZWCAD MFG (Mechanical)
Περιλαμβάνει το ZWCAD PRO και μαζί μενού με εντολές σχεδίασης μηχανολογικών. ZWCAD Mechanical is designed for use by users who work in the Mechanical area. With highly supportive tools, you can produce simple designs for sophisticated results.
ZWCAD Mechanical provides abundant tools such as shaft generator, tolerance dimension, surface texture symbol, balloon and BOM and standards parts for mechanical 2D sheet drawing.
Βιομηχανικό Σχέδιο
ZW3D is an easy-to-learn, all-in-one 3D CAD/CAE/CAM solution that can take you through the entire product development journey from conception to production. Harnessing the power of design, simulation, and manufacturing, ZW3D helps you build better products faster at less cost. Whether you are a small workshop or an enterprise organization, ZW3D has your needs covered with complete, powerful features including solid-surface hybrid modeling, structural simulation, 2-5 axis machining and specialized tools for sheet metal, molds and more. All your needs are in one place—the right 3D design-to-manufacturing solution for you.
3D Structural analysis & BIM software
Analysis / BIM Modelling
Είναι το πρόγραμμα για 3D BIM μοντελοποίηση και ανάλυση. Προσομοιώνετε την κατασκευή με τα πραγματικά όπως δοκοί, κολώνες και πλάκες. Το βασικό πρόγραμμα Sumo είναι ένα εργαλείο στην αιχμή της τεχνολογίας, με ανάλυση που είναι συμβατή με ΒΙΜ και σχεδίαση φορέα που συνεχώς βελτιώνεται.
Το Rhino είναι στην αιχμή της τεχνολογίας στα προγράμματα τρισδιάστατης σχεδίασης με την χρήση των NURBS ως εργαλείο μοντελοποίησης. Η προσέγγιση αυτή σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε με ευκολία, σύνθετη και πολύ λεπτομερή γεωμετρία, γρήγορα και παραγωγικά.
Το V-Ray είναι ένα δυνατό εργαλείο φωτορεαλισμού και θα το βρείτε σε εκδόσεις για όλα προγράμματα τρισδιάστατης σχεδίασης, όπως τα SketchUp Pro, Revit, Maya, 3ds Max, Rhino, Cinema 4D, κλπ. Περιλαμβάνεται και μέσα στο SketchUp Suite.
SketchUp Studio
SketchUp Studio
The power of all SketchUp tools combined with the ability to import Revit files and create stunning visualizations with V-Ray.(includes V-Ray, Scan Essentials, SketchUp Pro for Desktop, Layout, SketchUp for Web, SketchUp for iPad, Trimble Connect, Unlimited cloud storage)
SketchUp PRO
Το SketchUp PRO προορίζεται για τους επαγγελματίες που θέλουν ένα δυνατό εργαλείο μοντελοποίησης. Περιλαμβάνει πλήθος λειτουργιών και ότι ακόμα έχουν ζητήσει οι χρήστες τα τελευταία χρόνια.



All-In-One Solution
Home Design & 3D Render
Create accurate 2D/3D floor plans, decorate rooms, and customize furniture effortlessly. Impress clients with photo-realistic visualizations rendered in minutes. Home Walkthrough Video
Bring your designs to life with captivating 3D walkthrough videos. Utilize real-time ray tracing techniques to showcase selling points and create an immersive experience. Product Visualization
Present products with high-fidelity 3D models. Shorten sales cycles by enabling customers to visualize and personalize your product models in realistic home scenes. Design to Manufacture System
Maximize efficiency with our end-to-end solutions. Seamlessly sync design and manufacturing data, simplify order splitting, optimize layout, and streamline production.
Photoreal imagery, real-time experiences
Photoreal imagery, real-time experiences: δημιουργήστε πανέμορφα high-resolution stills, high-quality videos, και compelling immersive real-time experiences. Είναι γρήγορο και πανεύκολο στην χρήση.
Twinmotion's intuitive user interface and drag-and-drop workflows mean that you don't have to be a software wiz to get up to speed. Limitless potential. Your Twinmotion project can go directly into Unreal Engine, where you can transform it into a sophisticated experience with custom interaction
Real-time Walk-through
With Enscape’s real-time technology, your project is visualized as a fully rendered 3D walkthrough which can be navigated and explored from every angle, during any time of day. With the live link between Enscape and your CAD program, you can follow every update to your plan instantly. Virtual Reality
Explore your design in the compelling realism of virtual reality. Connect a VR headset like the Oculus Rift S or HTC Vive in a snap and get ready to walk or fly through your project. You won’t believe the extraordinary experience it will evoke. Export Functions
Enscape offers a variety of options to share or collaborate with anyone; design teams, clients and other stakeholders can easily explore your 3D rendered design. And guess what: they won’t need any special software or superpowered computers. Atmosphere Settings. Enscape’s offers a variety of atmosphere settings: from adjusting the cloud density, time of day, white mode, and many more. Giving you a flexibilty to adapt to different atmospheres. Workflow Tools
Enscape includes multiple workflow tools from such as: collab, which allows collaborative work on a project together with a new annotation feature to custom assets, site context, materials, and more. Asset Library
Our ever-expanding Asset Library will help you to fill your scene with life and make it even more realistic. Browse through just a small selection of our collection, so you can get a feel for the available models. We’re always adding more and more …



Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, simulation and rendering software solution. Its fast, powerful, flexible and stable toolset make 3D workflows more accessible and efficient for design, motion graphics, VFX, AR/MR/VR, game development and all types of visualization professionals. Cinema 4D produces stunning results, whether working on your own or in a team.
Thea for SketchUp allows you to run Interactive Rendering either inside Thea window or directly inside the SketchUp view. Additionally, with the use of Interactive Region Rendering, you can select and render a region of the SketchUp view, providing ultra-fast feedback for complex scenery. With the addition of NVIDIA’s and Intel’s artificial intelligence denoisers, it is also possible to make use of denoising while in Interactive Mode.
The advanced Thea material editor has been fully integrated in SketchUp, bringing all the advanced and unique features of Thea materials. The user interface has been designed, following SketchUp’s simplicity and ease of use.
Adding Thea Models in the scene is a very simple task. Editing them in the viewport is even easier and fun to use. With a click of a button, you get access to all the proxy’s materials and modify them. Proxy Material Editing has the option to revert back to the default materials.
Proxy creation is a one-click process of automatically converting fbx, dae, 3ds, and other 3d file formats to Thea Models, ready to be inserted to your scene. Those models can also be saved in the standard Thea Content Browser folders and organize them as you wish.
The Thea Online Repository is available through the Thea Content Browser, giving access to thousands of Thea Materials submitted by the community.Thea Render is the most versatile renderer featuring state-of-the-art unbiased and GPU engines. All the engines operate within the same framework and switching from one to another is just a click away. Check out the supported features per engine here.
Chaos Corona
Create your scenes quickly and easily with Corona within 3ds Max or Cinema 4D
Simplicity and quality at their best: new users learn Corona in just one day; render setup is as simple as pressing “Render”. Affordability: Corona is one of the most accessible rendering tools on the market. Proudly CPU based: Chaos Corona does not need any special hardware to run. It uses the CPU and you can run it on any processor from Intel or AMD released in the past decade. Chaos Corona is a production-ready renderer for 3ds Max & Cinema 4D. Usability
Usability is Corona’s most powerful feature. Render setup is really as simple as pressing “Render”. Accurate, physically based materials
The Corona Physical Material is physically based, realistic, intuitive, and easy to set up. Speed & interactivity. Chaos Corona uses Intel Embree Ray Tracing Kernels, making the CPU–only Corona as fast as many GPU renderers but without any of the limitations of GPU–based solution. Complete control over lights. The whole process of creating lights is designed to give artists complete control over their scene, while being fast and intuitive.
Κατασκευή - Υποστήριξη Εργοταξίου
SDBOX Construction
Γενική σχεδίαση, κείμενα, σύμβολα, διαχείριση γραμμών, hatch, απόψεις σχεδίου, ενδείξεις, διαστάσεις, διαχείριση εικόνων, layers, πράξεις και αριθμοί, φωτογραφίες, Google Earth κ.α.
Τοπογραφικό & ΚΗΔ
Υποστήριξη Εργοταξίου
Πλήρες Πακέτο
SDBOX Diamond
Γενική σχεδίαση, κείμενα, σύμβολα, διαχείριση γραμμών, hatch, απόψεις σχεδίου, ενδείξεις, διαστάσεις, διαχείριση εικόνων, layers, πράξεις και αριθμοί, φωτογραφίες, Google Earth κ.α.
Τοπογραφικό & Τρίγωνα-Ισοϋψείς-Όγκοι &
ΚΗΔ & Κατόψεις-Όψεις-Τομές & Προσβασιμότητα ΑΜΕΑ & Παθητική πυροπροστασία & Υποστήριξη Εργοταξίου

TopoLT is an essential software for topographical and cadastral plans. With functions for quick drafting and automatic data processing you have a complete project in no time at all!
Χαράξεις και διατομές

ProflT helps you draw longitudinal and cross section profiles in your CAD software for a variety of applications, from roads, to water pipes and power lines.
Μετατροπές συντεταγμένων από GPS

TransLT easily calculates the transformation parameters between two coordinates systems, for surveyors working with GPS technology.
Πλήρες Πακέτο

TopoLT & ProfLT & TransLT Bundle
The bundle consisting of TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT is the complete and accessible solution for your projects.
Practical and easy to use, TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT applications include the tools needed to carry out topography, cadastre, profile and coordinate transformation projects.
Η εύκολη προσαρμογή των ρυθμίσεων σας επιτρέπει να το προσαρμόσετε στα σχέδια σας και στις μεθόδους εργασίας σας. Είναι παραμετρικό και σας βοηθά επίσης να σχεδιάζετε και τους ξυλότυπους εύκολα και γρήγορα.
Είναι εύκολο στη χρήση: αν χρησιμοποιείτε το ZWCAD, τότε χρησιμοποιείτε ήδη το Auto_C.A.
Το MDT Professional σας υποστηρίζει σε όλες τις μελέτες σας που περιλαμβάνουν τοπογραφικές εργασίες, όπως έργα οδοποιίας, αποτυπώσεις, κλπ. Επιπρόσθετα της προσομοίωσης του εδάφους, περιλαμβάνει εργαλεία για τον σχεδιασμό των χαράξεων και των διατομών οδοποιίας, των μηκοτομών, τον υπολογισμό των χωματισμών (2D/ 3D), την εικονική επίσκεψη στο έργο και πολλές ακόμα λειτουργίες.
TcpMDT Surveying
The topography module can be installed over standard or professional MDT, and is very useful for processing total station observations, calculating point coordinates, compensating traverses and networks, etc.
It also allows to perform global and local coordinate transformations. The EPSG database is included with global coverage of reference systems, organized by countries.
Tcp Image
This CAD application allows you to perform all kinds of operations on digital images, georeferenced or not, in a wide variety of formats. It is designed especially for the needs of Surveying, Civil Engineering, Architecture or Archaeology projects, in which it is common to work with aerial photographs, orthoimages and scanned maps in combination with vector drawings.
With MDT Image you can easily georeference and distort images using control points, from their coordinates or using as a reference cartography of the CAD drawing itself.
Tcp Stereo
This application allows stereoplotting in CAD platform using aerial photographs with previously defined orientations. It is especially useful for photogrammetric surveys with drones and can be used by public administration and companies specialized in mining, earthworks, hydrology, environment, urban planning and many more.
It is compatible with any graphic card with OpenGL 2.0 (or higher) and anaglyph glasses, NVidia Quadro graphic cards and active glasses systems (such as the one from Volfoni) or professional systems based on dual displays.
Tcp Pointcloud editor
Standalone application that allows to display, edit and analyze clouds of millions of points captured by fixed or mobile scanners, LiDAR technology or generated by photogrammetry applications.
Point clouds can be imported in the most common formats on the market. Points can have attributes of color, intensity, time, and category, and be represented based on these properties. You can apply offsets, rotations, or transformations to clouds, as well as register them using control points.
You can also generate and analyze surfaces and grids, calculate profiles and volumes, draw with a simple CAD on the point cloud, etc. It offers multiple options for importing and exporting formats such as LandXML, IFC, DWG, 3D PDF, etc.
Με την εκτενή εμπειρία στην ανάπτυξη λογισμικού CAD για πολιτικούς μηχανικούς και τοπογράφους παγκοσμίως, η Sivan Design κυκλοφόρησε το CivilCAD for AutoCAD(R) και το CivilCADz for ZWCAD. Τα CivilCAD και CivilCADz αποτελούν ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις μελέτης και σχεδιασμού για επαγγελματίες πολιτικούς μηχανικούς και τοπογράφους μηχανικούς. Υποστηρίζουν τον σχεδιασμό οδών και χαράξεων, μελετών έργων υποδομής και υπόγειων έργων, έχουν εργαλεία για την τοποθέτηση αγωγών, υπολογίζουν με ευκολία εκσκαφές και επιχώσεις γαιών, και περιλαμβάνουν επίσης δυνατότητες διαχείρισης τοπογραφικών δεδομένων από άλλες πηγές. Συμπεριλαμβάνουν ολοκληρωμένες λειτουργίες, ταχύτατα αποτελέσματα και αξεπέραστη φιλικότητα στο χρήστη, τα CivilCAD και CivilCADz είναι και για την νέα γενιά μηχανικών οι αξιόπιστες εφαρμογές με τη σωστή σχέση απόδοσης - κόστους.
Spatial Manager
Powerful ZWCAD plug-in designed for ZWCAD users who need to import, export and manage spatial data in a simple, fast and inexpensive way, which includes many possibilities not seen so far in ZWCAD. It comes in a lightweight application that runs inside ZWCAD and allows the user to import and export geospatial data between ZWCAD drawings and geospatial files, data servers or data stores, display background maps and manage alphanumeric data and data tables, create terrain models and contours, search for locations, transform coordinate systems, and many more geospatial functionalities.
It is the utmost solution for drone topography.
Measuring small or large ground extents has never been so immediate and easy.
With IMMAGINA, you can get a topographic survey even less than thirty minutes.
Easy To Use
Intuitive and easy to use for beginners, designed by surveyors for surveyors.
With a single software, you can realise a classic photogrammetry, a punctual topography of vast areas and much more in a short time.
It is the revolutionary 3D and 2D façade survey system.
From the images of any camera and with a few measurements, you can get a 3D model of the exterior of buildings, monuments, statues, and many more with impressive details.
Easy To Use
You do not need a special equipment but any sort of camera to convert your images into 3D models with a detailed accuracy.
By measuring a few points on the façade, using the TopoProGram ruler, you will get a precise design even in the smallest details including stucco, fixtures, and such.
3D Cloud Points
You will be able to view the 3D cloud points or the photo mesh to have a trustworthy 3D model and a scale model.
It will be easy to get one or more photoplanes for each façade where you can have a photographic detail and easily draw in 3D.
HVAC & piping
CADprofi HVAC & piping
Program helps in designing heating, water and sewage, gas, medical, fire safety, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, technological and other installation types in both construction and industry. Intelligent insertion of symbols and objects, automatic drawing of installation views, creation of specifications and libraries of well-known manufacturers are only some of the advantages of the application.
CADprofi Architectural
Program helps in creating construction drawings, cross-sections and elevations and allows to draw walls, insert doors and windows, create architectural dimensioning and descriptions, as well as, use objects from the library of furniture and other equipment. A unique program feature is the possibility to create evacuation and safety plans.
CADprofi Electrical
Program helps in designing of all electrical installations in both construction and industry. Application has got a convenient schematic editor, a possibility to design on architectural plans, as well as, the possibility to create 3D models for some installation types.
CADprofi Mechanical
Program helps in designing mechanical and construction projects in 2D. Application contains an extensive set of standardized parts prepared on the basis of national and international standards. It is also possible to draw and edit technological schemes, as well as, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
ZWmech Mechanical
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech Mechanical module includes a comprehensive range of mechanical utilities, symbols, fasteners, gears, material handling items (conveyor rolls, sprokets, Trajectory calculator..), springs, shafts utility and more!. Most modules draw in 2D or 3D.
ZWmech Structural
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech Structural Steel Detailing utilities for the drawing of structural steel members. It includes steel shapes (beams, columns and miscelleneous), beam-connections, stairs, ladders, bracing, hand railing, frames, welding symbols, beam loading designer and much more.
Steel shapes include: AISC, BHP, CISC, DIN, RSA, JIS, IS, Chinese...The module draws both in 2D & 3D and generates a weighted auto-BOM Some modules include auto-dimensioning of compoments to fabrication details.
ZWmech Piping
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech piping software module Includes a comprehensive range of pipe, pipe fittings, flanges and valves. These include welded, flanged, threaded, screwed, ductile iron & cast iron, "Victaulic" stainless, PVC... piping systems. The module is equipped with features like: Auto-BOM. Customised database, easy to use... The module also draws in Single line, double line, 3D and Isometric.
HVAC Ducting
ZWmech HVAC Ducting
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech HVAC Ducting Design Module is a comprehensive collection of utilities for drawing 2-D & 3-D HVAC Ducting
Duct shape options include rectangular, round and flat oval. Features include: auto-BOM, auto-labeling, flat sheet development.... Several Duct and Duct fittings included: Duct bends, transitions, tees & wyes, offsets, branches, dampers, diffusers, flexible duct, grills, build-in & customer defined symbols and many accessories.

Σχεδίαση 2D/ 3D
ZWCAD Standard / ZWCAD Professional
Το σχεδιαστικό που σας λύνει τα χέρια, με τις εντολές που γνωρίζετε, τα φιλικά και οικεία μενού - ribbon & clasic, αξιόπιστο, ταχύτατο και ελαφρύ, με dwg format, εισαγωγή IFC ΒΙΜ μοντέλων και μετατροπή PDF εκτυπώσεων σε επεξεργάσιμα σχέδια!
ZWCAD MFG (Mechanical)
Περιλαμβάνει το ZWCAD PRO και μαζί μενού με εντολές σχεδίασης μηχανολογικών. ZWCAD Mechanical is designed for use by users who work in the Mechanical area. With highly supportive tools, you can produce simple designs for sophisticated results.
ZWCAD Mechanical provides abundant tools such as shaft generator, tolerance dimension, surface texture symbol, balloon and BOM and standards parts for mechanical 2D sheet drawing.
Βιομηχανικό Σχέδιο
ZW3D is an easy-to-learn, all-in-one 3D CAD/CAE/CAM solution that can take you through the entire product development journey from conception to production. Harnessing the power of design, simulation, and manufacturing, ZW3D helps you build better products faster at less cost. Whether you are a small workshop or an enterprise organization, ZW3D has your needs covered with complete, powerful features including solid-surface hybrid modeling, structural simulation, 2-5 axis machining and specialized tools for sheet metal, molds and more. All your needs are in one place—the right 3D design-to-manufacturing solution for you.
Κατασκευή - Υποστήριξη Εργοταξίου
SDBOX Construction
Γενική σχεδίαση, κείμενα, σύμβολα, διαχείριση γραμμών, hatch, απόψεις σχεδίου, ενδείξεις, διαστάσεις, διαχείριση εικόνων, layers, πράξεις και αριθμοί, φωτογραφίες, Google Earth κ.α.
Τοπογραφικό & ΚΗΔ
Υποστήριξη Εργοταξίου
Πλήρες Πακέτο
SDBOX Diamond
Γενική σχεδίαση, κείμενα, σύμβολα, διαχείριση γραμμών, hatch, απόψεις σχεδίου, ενδείξεις, διαστάσεις, διαχείριση εικόνων, layers, πράξεις και αριθμοί, φωτογραφίες, Google Earth κ.α.
Τοπογραφικό & Τρίγωνα-Ισοϋψείς-Όγκοι &
ΚΗΔ & Κατόψεις-Όψεις-Τομές & Προσβασιμότητα ΑΜΕΑ & Παθητική πυροπροστασία & Υποστήριξη Εργοταξίου
3D Structural analysis & BIM software
Analysis / BIM Modelling
Είναι το πρόγραμμα για 3D BIM μοντελοποίηση και ανάλυση. Προσομοιώνετε την κατασκευή με τα πραγματικά όπως δοκοί, κολώνες και πλάκες. Το βασικό πρόγραμμα Sumo είναι ένα εργαλείο στην αιχμή της τεχνολογίας, με ανάλυση που είναι συμβατή με ΒΙΜ και σχεδίαση φορέα που συνεχώς βελτιώνεται.
Η εύκολη προσαρμογή των ρυθμίσεων σας επιτρέπει να το προσαρμόσετε στα σχέδια σας και στις μεθόδους εργασίας σας. Είναι παραμετρικό και σας βοηθά επίσης να σχεδιάζετε και τους ξυλότυπους εύκολα και γρήγορα.
Είναι εύκολο στη χρήση: αν χρησιμοποιείτε το ZWCAD, τότε χρησιμοποιείτε ήδη το Auto_C.A.
Ολοκληρωμένη 3D CAD/BIM λύση λογισμικού για τον αρχιτεκτονικό σχεδιασμό, την συνολική τεχνική τεκμηρίωση, τον φωτορεαλισμό, τον σχεδιασμό χώρων, της κουζίνας, του μπάνιου και της εσωτερικής διακόσμησης.
Το Rhino είναι στην αιχμή της τεχνολογίας στα προγράμματα τρισδιάστατης σχεδίασης με την χρήση των NURBS ως εργαλείο μοντελοποίησης. Η προσέγγιση αυτή σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε με ευκολία, σύνθετη και πολύ λεπτομερή γεωμετρία, γρήγορα και παραγωγικά.
Το V-Ray είναι ένα δυνατό εργαλείο φωτορεαλισμού και θα το βρείτε σε εκδόσεις για όλα προγράμματα τρισδιάστατης σχεδίασης, όπως τα SketchUp Pro, Revit, Maya, 3ds Max, Rhino, Cinema 4D, κλπ. Περιλαμβάνεται και μέσα στο SketchUp Suite.
SketchUp Studio
SketchUp Studio
The power of all SketchUp tools combined with the ability to import Revit files and create stunning visualizations with V-Ray.(includes V-Ray, Scan Essentials, SketchUp Pro for Desktop, Layout, SketchUp for Web, SketchUp for iPad, Trimble Connect, Unlimited cloud storage)
SketchUp PRO
Το SketchUp PRO προορίζεται για τους επαγγελματίες που θέλουν ένα δυνατό εργαλείο μοντελοποίησης. Περιλαμβάνει πλήθος λειτουργιών και ότι ακόμα έχουν ζητήσει οι χρήστες τα τελευταία χρόνια.

All-In-One Solution
Home Design & 3D Render
Create accurate 2D/3D floor plans, decorate rooms, and customize furniture effortlessly. Impress clients with photo-realistic visualizations rendered in minutes. Home Walkthrough Video
Bring your designs to life with captivating 3D walkthrough videos. Utilize real-time ray tracing techniques to showcase selling points and create an immersive experience. Product Visualization
Present products with high-fidelity 3D models. Shorten sales cycles by enabling customers to visualize and personalize your product models in realistic home scenes. Design to Manufacture System
Maximize efficiency with our end-to-end solutions. Seamlessly sync design and manufacturing data, simplify order splitting, optimize layout, and streamline production.

Photoreal imagery, real-time experiences
Photoreal imagery, real-time experiences: δημιουργήστε πανέμορφα high-resolution stills, high-quality videos, και compelling immersive real-time experiences. Είναι γρήγορο και πανεύκολο στην χρήση.
Twinmotion's intuitive user interface and drag-and-drop workflows mean that you don't have to be a software wiz to get up to speed. Limitless potential. Your Twinmotion project can go directly into Unreal Engine, where you can transform it into a sophisticated experience with custom interaction

Real-time Walk-through
With Enscape’s real-time technology, your project is visualized as a fully rendered 3D walkthrough which can be navigated and explored from every angle, during any time of day. With the live link between Enscape and your CAD program, you can follow every update to your plan instantly. Virtual Reality
Explore your design in the compelling realism of virtual reality. Connect a VR headset like the Oculus Rift S or HTC Vive in a snap and get ready to walk or fly through your project. You won’t believe the extraordinary experience it will evoke. Export Functions
Enscape offers a variety of options to share or collaborate with anyone; design teams, clients and other stakeholders can easily explore your 3D rendered design. And guess what: they won’t need any special software or superpowered computers. Atmosphere Settings. Enscape’s offers a variety of atmosphere settings: from adjusting the cloud density, time of day, white mode, and many more. Giving you a flexibilty to adapt to different atmospheres. Workflow Tools
Enscape includes multiple workflow tools from such as: collab, which allows collaborative work on a project together with a new annotation feature to custom assets, site context, materials, and more. Asset Library
Our ever-expanding Asset Library will help you to fill your scene with life and make it even more realistic. Browse through just a small selection of our collection, so you can get a feel for the available models. We’re always adding more and more …

Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, simulation and rendering software solution. Its fast, powerful, flexible and stable toolset make 3D workflows more accessible and efficient for design, motion graphics, VFX, AR/MR/VR, game development and all types of visualization professionals. Cinema 4D produces stunning results, whether working on your own or in a team.

Thea for SketchUp allows you to run Interactive Rendering either inside Thea window or directly inside the SketchUp view. Additionally, with the use of Interactive Region Rendering, you can select and render a region of the SketchUp view, providing ultra-fast feedback for complex scenery. With the addition of NVIDIA’s and Intel’s artificial intelligence denoisers, it is also possible to make use of denoising while in Interactive Mode.ADVANCED MATERIAL EDITOR
The advanced Thea material editor has been fully integrated in SketchUp, bringing all the advanced and unique features of Thea materials. The user interface has been designed, following SketchUp’s simplicity and ease of use.PROXY MATERIAL EDITING
Adding Thea Models in the scene is a very simple task. Editing them in the viewport is even easier and fun to use. With a click of a button, you get access to all the proxy’s materials and modify them. Proxy Material Editing has the option to revert back to the default materials.PROXY CREATION
Proxy creation is a one-click process of automatically converting fbx, dae, 3ds, and other 3d file formats to Thea Models, ready to be inserted to your scene. Those models can also be saved in the standard Thea Content Browser folders and organize them as you wish.ONLINE REPOSITORY. The Thea Online Repository is available through the Thea Content Browser, giving access to thousands of Thea Materials submitted by the community.Thea Render is the most versatile renderer featuring state-of-the-art unbiased and GPU engines. All the engines operate within the same framework and switching from one to another is just a click away. Check out the supported features per engine here.

Chaos Corona
Create your scenes quickly and easily with Corona within 3ds Max or Cinema 4D
Simplicity and quality at their best: new users learn Corona in just one day; render setup is as simple as pressing “Render”. Affordability: Corona is one of the most accessible rendering tools on the market. Proudly CPU based: Chaos Corona does not need any special hardware to run. It uses the CPU and you can run it on any processor from Intel or AMD released in the past decade. Chaos Corona is a production-ready renderer for 3ds Max & Cinema 4D. Usability
Usability is Corona’s most powerful feature. Render setup is really as simple as pressing “Render”. Accurate, physically based materials
The Corona Physical Material is physically based, realistic, intuitive, and easy to set up. Speed & interactivity. Chaos Corona uses Intel Embree Ray Tracing Kernels, making the CPU–only Corona as fast as many GPU renderers but without any of the limitations of GPU–based solution. Complete control over lights. The whole process of creating lights is designed to give artists complete control over their scene, while being fast and intuitive.
Χαράξεις/ Διατομές/ Τοπογραφικά
Το MDT Professional σας υποστηρίζει σε όλες τις μελέτες σας που περιλαμβάνουν τοπογραφικές εργασίες, όπως έργα οδοποιίας, αποτυπώσεις, κλπ. Επιπρόσθετα της προσομοίωσης του εδάφους, περιλαμβάνει εργαλεία για τον σχεδιασμό των χαράξεων και των διατομών οδοποιίας, των μηκοτομών, τον υπολογισμό των χωματισμών (2D/ 3D), την εικονική επίσκεψη στο έργο και πολλές ακόμα λειτουργίες.
Coordinate transformations and processing of total station observations
TcpMDT Surveying
The topography module can be installed over standard or professional MDT, and is very useful for processing total station observations, calculating point coordinates, compensating traverses and networks, etc.
It also allows to perform global and local coordinate transformations. The EPSG database is included with global coverage of reference systems, organized by countries.
Adjustment, management and transformation of images integrated in MDT
Tcp Image
This CAD application allows you to perform all kinds of operations on digital images, georeferenced or not, in a wide variety of formats. It is designed especially for the needs of Surveying, Civil Engineering, Architecture or Archaeology projects, in which it is common to work with aerial photographs, orthoimages and scanned maps in combination with vector drawings.
With MDT Image you can easily georeference and distort images using control points, from their coordinates or using as a reference cartography of the CAD drawing itself.
Vector restitution in stereo on CAD platform of oriented Aerial photographs
Tcp Stereo
This application allows stereoplotting in CAD platform using aerial photographs with previously defined orientations. It is especially useful for photogrammetric surveys with drones and can be used by public administration and companies specialized in mining, earthworks, hydrology, environment, urban planning and many more.
It is compatible with any graphic card with OpenGL 2.0 (or higher) and anaglyph glasses, NVidia Quadro graphic cards and active glasses systems (such as the one from Volfoni) or professional systems based on dual displays.
Editing, filtering and managing point clouds
Tcp Pointcloud editor
Standalone application that allows to display, edit and analyze clouds of millions of points captured by fixed or mobile scanners, LiDAR technology or generated by photogrammetry applications.
Point clouds can be imported in the most common formats on the market. Points can have attributes of color, intensity, time, and category, and be represented based on these properties. You can apply offsets, rotations, or transformations to clouds, as well as register them using control points.
You can also generate and analyze surfaces and grids, calculate profiles and volumes, draw with a simple CAD on the point cloud, etc. It offers multiple options for importing and exporting formats such as LandXML, IFC, DWG, 3D PDF, etc.
Χαράξεις/ Διατομές/ Τοπογραφικά/ Σωληνώσεις
Με την εκτενή εμπειρία στην ανάπτυξη λογισμικού CAD για πολιτικούς μηχανικούς και τοπογράφους παγκοσμίως, η Sivan Design κυκλοφόρησε το CivilCAD for AutoCAD(R) και το CivilCADz for ZWCAD. Τα CivilCAD και CivilCADz αποτελούν ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις μελέτης και σχεδιασμού για επαγγελματίες πολιτικούς μηχανικούς και τοπογράφους μηχανικούς. Υποστηρίζουν τον σχεδιασμό οδών και χαράξεων, μελετών έργων υποδομής και υπόγειων έργων, έχουν εργαλεία για την τοποθέτηση αγωγών, υπολογίζουν με ευκολία εκσκαφές και επιχώσεις γαιών, και περιλαμβάνουν επίσης δυνατότητες διαχείρισης τοπογραφικών δεδομένων από άλλες πηγές. Συμπεριλαμβάνουν ολοκληρωμένες λειτουργίες, ταχύτατα αποτελέσματα και αξεπέραστη φιλικότητα στο χρήστη, τα CivilCAD και CivilCADz είναι και για την νέα γενιά μηχανικών οι αξιόπιστες εφαρμογές με τη σωστή σχέση απόδοσης - κόστους.
Spatial Manager
Powerful ZWCAD plug-in designed for ZWCAD users who need to import, export and manage spatial data in a simple, fast and inexpensive way, which includes many possibilities not seen so far in ZWCAD. It comes in a lightweight application that runs inside ZWCAD and allows the user to import and export geospatial data between ZWCAD drawings and geospatial files, data servers or data stores, display background maps and manage alphanumeric data and data tables, create terrain models and contours, search for locations, transform coordinate systems, and many more geospatial functionalities.
Αποτυπώσεις με Drones
It is the utmost solution for drone topography.
Measuring small or large ground extents has never been so immediate and easy.
With IMMAGINA, you can get a topographic survey even less than thirty minutes.
Easy To Use
Intuitive and easy to use for beginners, designed by surveyors for surveyors.
With a single software, you can realise a classic photogrammetry, a punctual topography of vast areas and much more in a short time.
Façade survey system
Αποτυπώσεις κτιρίων από φωτογραφίες & drones
It is the revolutionary 3D and 2D façade survey system.
From the images of any camera and with a few measurements, you can get a 3D model of the exterior of buildings, monuments, statues, and many more with impressive details.
Easy To Use
You do not need a special equipment but any sort of camera to convert your images into 3D models with a detailed accuracy.
By measuring a few points on the façade, using the TopoProGram ruler, you will get a precise design even in the smallest details including stucco, fixtures, and such.
3D Cloud Points
You will be able to view the 3D cloud points or the photo mesh to have a trustworthy 3D model and a scale model.
It will be easy to get one or more photoplanes for each façade where you can have a photographic detail and easily draw in 3D.
HVAC & piping
CADprofi HVAC & piping
Program helps in designing heating, water and sewage, gas, medical, fire safety, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, technological and other installation types in both construction and industry. Intelligent insertion of symbols and objects, automatic drawing of installation views, creation of specifications and libraries of well-known manufacturers are only some of the advantages of the application.
CADprofi Architectural
Program helps in creating construction drawings, cross-sections and elevations and allows to draw walls, insert doors and windows, create architectural dimensioning and descriptions, as well as, use objects from the library of furniture and other equipment. A unique program feature is the possibility to create evacuation and safety plans.
CADprofi Electrical
Program helps in designing of all electrical installations in both construction and industry. Application has got a convenient schematic editor, a possibility to design on architectural plans, as well as, the possibility to create 3D models for some installation types.
CADprofi Mechanical
Program helps in designing mechanical and construction projects in 2D. Application contains an extensive set of standardized parts prepared on the basis of national and international standards. It is also possible to draw and edit technological schemes, as well as, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
ZWmech Mechanical
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech Mechanical module includes a comprehensive range of mechanical utilities, symbols, fasteners, gears, material handling items (conveyor rolls, sprokets, Trajectory calculator..), springs, shafts utility and more!. Most modules draw in 2D or 3D.
ZWmech Structural
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech Structural Steel Detailing utilities for the drawing of structural steel members. It includes steel shapes (beams, columns and miscelleneous), beam-connections, stairs, ladders, bracing, hand railing, frames, welding symbols, beam loading designer and much more.
Steel shapes include: AISC, BHP, CISC, DIN, RSA, JIS, IS, Chinese...The module draws both in 2D & 3D and generates a weighted auto-BOM Some modules include auto-dimensioning of compoments to fabrication details.
ZWmech Piping
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech piping software module Includes a comprehensive range of pipe, pipe fittings, flanges and valves. These include welded, flanged, threaded, screwed, ductile iron & cast iron, "Victaulic" stainless, PVC... piping systems. The module is equipped with features like: Auto-BOM. Customised database, easy to use... The module also draws in Single line, double line, 3D and Isometric.
HVAC Ducting
ZWmech HVAC Ducting
ZWmech is a integrated plug in for ZWCAD and adds a powerful array of engineering modules to both the 2D and 3D to the ZWCAD platform. The ZWmech HVAC Ducting Design Module is a comprehensive collection of utilities for drawing 2-D & 3-D HVAC Ducting
Duct shape options include rectangular, round and flat oval. Features include: auto-BOM, auto-labeling, flat sheet development.... Several Duct and Duct fittings included: Duct bends, transitions, tees & wyes, offsets, branches, dampers, diffusers, flexible duct, grills, build-in & customer defined symbols and many accessories.