Νέο Πρόγραμμα CivilCAD 11



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CivilCAD 10.4 / CivilCADz 10.4

Για τα ZWCAD STD/PRO 2024 &

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Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας ενημερώσουμε για την κυκλοφορία του νέου CivilCAD 10.4 !
Η νέα έκδοση περιλαμβάνει βελτιώσεις, νέα χαρακτηριστικά και διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων.
Οι κύριες βελτιώσεις που προστέθηκαν από την έκδοση 10.3 του CivilCAD είναι:
- Εξαγωγή αρχείων IFC και XML των σωλήνων και των επιφανειών για εργασία σε μεθοδολογία BIM.
- Εργασία με μεγάλα αρχεία σημείων.
- Μια νέα επιλογή για τη μεταφορά των αδειών χρήσης του λογισμικού μεταξύ υπολογιστών.
- Βελτιωμένη συμβατότητα με τις εκδόσεις AutoCAD και ZWCAD.
- Διάφορες βελτιώσεις στην ενότητα Pipeline, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της δυνατότητας DWG για κάθε διατομή σωλήνα, της νέας δυνατότητας "sleeves", της επιλογής επεξεργασίας των λεζάντων στον πίνακα των τμημάτων σωλήνων, του ευκολότερου τρόπου μετακίνησης των θέσεων των φρεατίων, της νέας δυνατότητας πλήρους ελέγχου και συγχώνευσης πολλών μονάδων μεγέθους/μέτρησης στο ίδιο σχέδιο και πολλά άλλα.

Για το αρχείο σημειώσεων έκδοσης κάντε κλικ εδώ.
Μπορείτε να βρείτε το αρχείο εγκατάστασης στο Κέντρο Λήψεων.
Σημείωση: αν έχετε εγκατεστημένη την έκδοση 10.3, πρέπει να κατεβάσετε και να εγκαταστήσετε μόνο την ενημέρωση της έκδοσης (όχι την πλήρη εγκατάσταση).

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10 Solution Suite consists of the following profession based packages:

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10-Standard
Survey+Topography, land development and volumes calculations

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10-Roads
Standard+Roads construction and design

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10-Pipes
Water, sewage, drainage, oil, gas and cables engineering solutions

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10-Full Package
Roads+Pipes/The complete package
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Είμαστε ο Αποκλειστικός Αντιπρόσωπος για όλες τις εκδόσεις, στην Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο.


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Το καινοτόμο CivilCAD and ZWCAD Civil

Με την εκτενή εμπειρία στην ανάπτυξη λογισμικού CAD για πολιτικούς μηχανικούς παγκοσμίως, η Sivan Design κυκλοφόρησε τα CivilCAD 10 και ZWCAD Civil 10. Τα CivilCAD 10 και ZWCAD Civil 10 Solution Suite, το ultimate plan και design tools για επαγγελματίες πολιτικούς μηχανικούς και τοπογράφους μηχανικούς, προσφέρει τον σχεδιασμό οδών και χαράξεων, μελετών έργων υποδομής και υπόγειων έργων και εργαλεία διάταξης αγωγών, intelligent και sensible υπολογισμών earthworks, και cross platforms surveying data handling δυνατότητες. Συμπεριλαμβάνοντας fully integrated system tools, ταχύτατα αποτελέσματα και unsurpassed usability, τα CivilCAD 10 και ZWCAD Civil 10 παρουσιάζουν στην νέα γενιά μηχανικών ένα αξιόπιστο επίπεδο εφαρμογής με τη σωστή σχέση απόδοσης - κόστους.

Innovative Design Capabilities

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10 software integrates unique and professional tools for easier, faster and more precise designing and surveying:

Materials and thickness - sub layers associated with existing, structure and design layers are differentiated in the cross section and displayed according to the defined material and thickness

Road segment changes - Changes made to a certain segment of the road’s alignment geometry are automatically reflected in the vertical alignment

Visibility evaluation - Unique and advanced visibility evaluation mechanism with DWG export and reporting capabilities

Overlapping adjustment - automatic alert and delete mechanism of an overlapping area between two topography surfaces

Automatic road segments recognition – new ability automatically recognizes subsequent road segments that can be automatically joined and combined for simple centerline creation

Ability to extend existing road design – unique feature able to obtain existing road information and automatically compute centerline extension parameters to any specified length for effortless future planning

Separated layers in horizontal alignment – in order to meet increasing authorities demands, new feature has been added allowing the ability to separate complex layout information into particular layers. Such layers may contain slopes incline, left edges, right edges, left ditch, right ditch etc.

Visual indication of cut/fill extents – clearly highlighting extreme points heights in road’s horizontal alignment
Underground and upper ground utilities display in cross sections – including detailed information of diameter, depth, and positioning of pipes and cables
Vertical alignment design in a complete CAD environment – combining data tables and advanced design tools

The most advanced retaining walls design tool in the world – complete design capabilities of wall elements including horizontal alignment, profile, and dimensions, attachment of a wall to a road and their integration (presentation of the road's precise distances on the wall's profile, presentation of the walls in exact dimensions on the road's cross-sections), automatic profile design via definition of the wall's minimum height for cut and fill, definition of walls dimensions as a function of its height (or fixed dimensions), and more

Complex urban roads design – design and extraction of the cross-sections directly from the layout (by defining the initial side-slopes), projection of 3D/2D lines onto the cross-sections, a special mechanism for underground infrastructures adjustment, and presentation of existing asphalt borders

Wide range of capabilities in automatic cross-sections design – side ditches definition for cut/fill and in-between situations, berms design, various side-slopes definition by the height (cut/fill), automatic projection of beside roads land-development on the cross sections and many more

Drainage, Sewage and Water – supply detailed design including pipelines alignment and layout (for both manholes and pipes). Profile design with a special interface that enables definition of the pipe's depth, IL, manholes size, automatic reception of the existing and the road's designed level, crossings infrastructure presentation in the sections, quantity report production, manholes and detailed report production

Additional features include quantities calculations in various methods, including separation into several layers, quick and easy creation and calculation of setting out points, communication with all available measuring tools, a special mechanism for editing and adjustment of RAW (Observation) files, and so on.
Innovative Work Environment and User Experience

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10 Solution Suite enfolds Autodesk® AutoCAD®; ZWSOFT® ZWCAD® and Bricscad working environment with supplementary set of advanced design tools for civil engineering professionals allowing time-consuming tasks to be done effortlessly and accurately.

CivilCAD 10/ ZWCAD Civil 10 is not an AutoCAD Add-in application and therefore is not restricted by AutoCAD in any way such as menus loading, LISP and commands loading in every new project etc.

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10 Solution Suite consists of five profession based versions to match user's requirements avoiding overwhelming and complex work environment and resulting in intuitive and exceptionally easy to operate user interface.

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10 introduces a user friendly and intuitive task based interface, allowing the engineer to easily locate looked-for commands using intelligent contextual toolbars and menus.

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10 is based on a new highly professional Microsoft® Windows® interface that is up to standard with the most advanced Windows software known today.
Innovative Elements Integration

CivilCAD 10/ZWCAD Civil 10 fully integrates between all system features including design elements, calculations, work processes and drawings, all dynamically linked and instantly updated upon every change, to achieve maximum productivity and rapid project output.

Interactive updates between horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, cross sections, layout, volumes, drainage pipelines layout, drainage pipelines profiles, retaining walls behavior (if exist) etc.

Quick earthworks balancing in site development and reservoirs design

Immediate updates between RAW file (observation file), coordinates file, map lines and blocks that were drawn based on surveyed coordinates and topography/contour lines

Integration between the alphanumeric data and the drawing via the "open database" approach to all the design elements (alignment, profile, cross sections etc.), enabling tabular data updates and their manipulation on the drawings and vice-versa

Interactive updates between underground infrastructure's layout (sewage, drainage, water, electricity, gas etc.), profile, quantities and related reports (flow charts, manholes table etc.)


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